
Why you never give up searching for your families!!!

Hi Everyone,

I have to Share this because I was so excited!!!! I was just reading an email today from the Czech Republic from my Grandmother's Anna Kuchynka Vymazal family on my mom side. I literally was in tears. I always have told people never give up on those brick walls in your Genealogy it may take years and years (I started in 1988) but look it is 2018 and I finally found my Grandmother Anna's brothers Grandchildren. I just got the email today from one of the Grandchildren. It started a few weeks ago this man in the Czech Republic emailed me and said is doing a book on the soldiers in WWI from the Czech Republic and that he saw on my website on MyHeritage that an Anna Kuchynka was my Grandmother and these men were her brothers. There are three of them and one of the brother's grandchildren wanted to contact me. I did some digging and found he was legit. So today I received this Wonderful email from one of the Granddaughters who contacted and sent me a picture of her and her two other sister and their husbands. I had the names of her brothers so I knew that also was correct. This Grandaughter did not even know her grandpa had a sister. Well, it was a great day for me and my search for my genealogy history!!!!!  So never ever give up when you do your Genealogy you never know when you will find something!!!

Kathy WedykeVolunteer and Genealogy Chair of the Genealogy and Local History Library 

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